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Digett Summer Internship: Lessons Learned
With our summer intern Sarah gone back to school and fall interns scheduled to start soon, it’s the perfect time to share some of the lessons the Digett team learned while searching for and working with interns. I hope you find them valuable as you consider working with interns at your own business.
Review: Two amazing products to add to your design workflow
I want to tell you about two amazing products, Pixelapse and Invision. The two overlap a little bit, so you could choose just one of them — but I use both and I'll tell you why.
Interning with Digett: Sarah’s Thoughts
Well, the time has come. My internship at Digett has ended, and the new school year is fast approaching. As I reflect back on my time spent here, I know I have learned and achieved many valuable things during the past two and a half months.
The New Showcases Strategy, Brandbuilding
Yokel is a hyperlocal indoor digital display content network that gives advertisers real-time control over highly-targeted advertising placed on digital displays mounted throughout San Antonio. These screens display local content—news, lifestyle, trivia, and ads—to receptive audiences in captive settings.
Sandbox Module: BarTables
Nearly 20 years ago Dave Raggett produced a document outlining proposed features for HTML+ which included one of the first ever references to tables. Since that time, tables have been used for both the display of data and controlling the layout of pages.