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Scripts of a Drupal Newbie – A Love Letter to Views
Drupal is definitely not something you can master or even comprehend in a few weeks, or even a few months. All the little details start to take their toll after a while. But my personal savior and motivator as a Drupal newbie came in an immensely useful package that most Drupal developers might recognize.
Why Small Businesses Should Use Guerilla Marketing
In my Senior Design class, we just finished a project on Guerilla Marketing. This is a type of advertisement that many companies are starting to use because the ideas can be so simple with little cost but very effective in gaining more consumers.
Backdrop, forking Drupal
"In Open Source Software, forking is considered a feature. Nevertheless, the Drupal community has generally frowned upon forking. We’ve been a fairly cohesive community. We work together, share what we’re doing (even while we compete with each other), collaborate with each other, offer help, contribute patches, all in support of the commons we love: Drupal." --Laura Scott
The Facebook vs. Google Debate Is Old School: Leverage Them Both to Work for You
During my first month in the “real world” of marketing one of the first questions that came to mind after reading numerous rivalry-esque comparisons between Facebook’s Ads and Google AdWords was, “Why not use both in different ways?”
Apple: World’s Worst Content Marketer?
One of the main things I’ve learned at my internship so far is the importance of content marketing. Apple is one of my favorite companies, and I expected them to be amazing at content marketing. But guess what? They’re not. Does Apple deserve the title of "world’s worst content marketer"?