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Google Drops Chrome Frame — What Do We Do Now?
We have depended on Google Chrome Frame to help us direct website visitors on older browsers to modern alternatives. Specifically, we use the Drupal Chrome Frame module to quickly implement this functionality.
Google has announced they are retiring Chrome Frame January 2014.
Now what?
I really don't want to do nothing—I don't want visitors on old browsers to just see a broken site.
The Drupal community already has an answer (actually, this module has been around for over a year). After some research, we are trying out jReject.
The Secret to Happy Customers
I saw an article recently sharing a great summary of some of the presentations from the 2013 Corporate Social Media Summit, where many major brands presented their media and marketing insights. The article lists many helpful stories from a number of brands, but the one that most resonated with me was from Dunkin’ Donuts.
3 things every marketer must know about stock photography
Stock photography can be an incredibly useful and cost-effective resource in any marketer’s toolbox, but you must know these three things before you start relying on it.
Managing your brand’s online presence: turning negatives into positives
I saw an article the other day that gives a great example of how a company took a negative review and turned it into positive publicity by exceeding expectations with their customer service.
DrupalCon Portland: It's About the Community
While DrupalCon Portland ended nearly three weeks ago, some of us are just now decompressing from the experience. Spending a week with 3,300 attendees learning about and contributing to Drupal was both inspiring and instructive.