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NPR & Content Marketing Genius
A longer commute to the new Digett offices means I spend much more time listening to the radio. I started listening to NPR a few months back, and recently it occurred to me that it’s the poster child for successful content marketing.
Everplans: Behind the Curtain is a website meant to help people prepare for and deal with death. The previous iteration of their site presented numerous technical challenges, making it difficult for their team to achieve their goals. It became Digett's job to give Everplans a website that works for, not against, its users and administrators.
3 Marketing Tactics Worth Keeping
I was recently talking to a friend who finds what I do complicated. It’s true that content marketing has lots of moving parts, and that trends come and go faster than most people can learn about them, but I shared with him three tactics that will always be worthwhile.
3 Marketing Tactics It's Time to Ditch
As I’m sure you’ve noticed, the world of marketing rarely stands still. The “Mad Men” days are long since gone, and now is not the time to get stuck in tarpits. Here’s three tactics that are swiftly going the way of the dodo.
SEO Needs a New Name
Digett has made known our opinion on the subject of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) before. Until I ran across this presentation on Slideshare, I had been perpetually bothered by a lack of clarity around just about any way SEO gets explained. Turns out it’s not the explanations of SEO that fall short of truth, but rather the term SEO itself.