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12 Recommended Chrome Extensions for Web Development
I started this blog post to sway Firefox users to give Chrome a try as their primary development browser. I discovered there are almost no differences now. The only reason I switched to Chrome a few years ago was speed compared to Firefox at the time. Today, that is not an issue. In fact, I just did an informal test on my machine and both browsers started in less than 2 seconds. Also, I can't tell a difference in page render times now.
Timeline for Facebook Business Pages
Have you updated your Facebook business page to use Timeline? If you haven’t, you’ve got 24-48 hours before your page updates automatically. Fortunately Marketo has created a great infographic that shows you what you need to do to get your Facebook page looking spiffy.
Using Editable Fields for Featured Content Blocks in Drupal 7
It is a common requirement on a marketing website to have a “Featured Content” block on the homepage that displays some random node from a subset of content that has been flagged as featured. There are a number of modules that try to address this type of functionality, but I’m always a fan of using fewer modules — or at least using modules that can be used in many places.
Why Your Company Needs a Mobile Website
Have you ever accessed your company’s website with a smartphone or tablet? I can almost guarantee your customers have. Millions of mobile searches happen daily, and research predicts that by 2015 more people will access the Internet through their phone than their computer.
Go ahead, add some flair to your site with CSS3!
The day has come to stop focusing on Internet Explorer's limitations and start focusing on the other browsers that allow CSS3. It takes very little extra time, and you can add some sizzle with just a few extras in your CSS.