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Marketing vs. Advertising: A Quiz
At first glance, the differences between marketing and advertising seem pretty insignificant: after all, they’re both about branding your company, getting your name out there, and (ultimately) landing the sale. But it’s there that the similarities end—beyond the basics, marketing and advertising take very different paths.
Lessons in Inbound Marketing: Choral Performance
On Tuesday night I took a seat in the chapel to listen to my Alma Mater choir’s Spring concert. I enjoyed it very much, but as a choral alum and a Digett employee, I couldn’t stop drawing comparisons between choral performance and inbound marketing.
Do you need a custom web design?
Let's start by clarifying what we mean by custom web design. A custom design is one that is made from scratch, completely unique to you and your business. The alternative is a site made from a theme, or a pre-designed template.
Social Media as Social Networking
I recently started reading Gary Vaynerchuk’s newest book, The Thank You Economy. Only five pages into the book he has a section entitled “Social Media Is More Than Media...” that stopped me in my tracks.
9 Content Marketing Myths and Realities
Although the basic tenets of content marketing are simple, the actual practice is complex — and despite its popularity and extensive coverage in industry blogs, there are still some pretty big misconceptions. Let’s take a look at just a few.