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Giving Your Content Wings - Part I
In Ann Handley and C.C. Chapman’s book Content Rules, the authors say that while your content has its roots on your website, it’s just as important to “give it wings to soar freely and be shared all across the Web as a social object” (p.102). In other words, the content you create is meant to be viewed and shared by others — it doesn’t do you much good as a business to write blog articles that no one ever sees.
Debate: Free Content vs. Requiring Registration
Should the content you create for your website be free to anyone, or should users be required to register (ie. fill out a form) before they can read it? Let's take a look at the issue from both sides.
How much does a website cost? Why $30,000 is a bargain.
One of the most common questions we're asked as web developers is, "How much does a website cost?" Oddly enough, it's never this initial question that's hard to answer, it's question number two: "Why so much?"
Announcing the HubSpot Module for Drupal
HubSpot provides great lead generation systems for sites using any content management system, but integrating HubSpot forms with Drupal can be a challenge. With our new HubSpot module for Drupal, we’re making it faster and easier than ever to gather leads from your Drupal sites.
The 10 Commandments of Marketing
Marketing is an ever-changing business. Industry best practices come and go, but here are ten marketing commandments you should never break.