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Our Client's Domains are not Our Domains
If I had a dollar for every time we were handcuffed from helping a client or potential client because we had no access to their domain, I'd be well on my way to a venti double cappuccino at Starbuck's.
Drupal Theming Workshop - Austin
Join us for a day filled with Drupal Theming in Austin on Friday, June 22. This is a one-day class aimed at helping you master the most fundamental activity involved with effectively leveraging Drupal's value as a CMS: Theming Drupal. From every angle.
asset.module updates
So many changes have been made in the last week. The most obvious are the inclusion of a new youtube integration module and much improved views support. The youtube integration actually is a by-product of the most significant improvement, the cleaned-up and enhanced API.
.NET Lament
Today I'm searching for a migration path for a customer that is using Digett's original chosen content management solution, the old .NET Community Starter Kit (CSK). The CSK played a huge role in Digett's genesis, as it provided the inspiration for and the engine behind our original and ongoing mission to provide turnkey, high-end web marketing solutions.
Asset.module committed to Drupal cvs
I have finally gotten around to committing my asset module. In short it is my attempt to create a more cohesive user experience for handling file assets in Drupal.