Icons In Web Design: San Antonio

Posted by AMac on March 24, 2011

I'm a web designer by trade, and as part of my job I think it's important to keep up with what's trending in our industry. One of the hottest fads in web design today is creating and using icons.

As I see them, icons are small, graphical representations of larger concepts. In web design, they're most often used to communicate ideas more efficiently. Where a written phrase is a horse, an icon is a cheetah — smaller and faster.

The web is full of icons, available to represent virtually everything from aliens to sandwiches. Websites like iconfinder.com (link sends email) offer free icons for download, while iStockphoto (link sends email) sells some really nice, inexpensive sets.

However, there are some icons that can be hard to find, or simply don't exist. For example, an icon set that represents San Antonio, Texas could be hard to find. Well that may have been true before today, but it's all about to change.

I've designed five icons that represent San Antonio and I'm offering them up as a free download. This layered Photoshop Document (PSD) has five vector icons for use as you see fit. Simply click the image below to start the download and enjoy! And if you're so inclined, we'd love you to provide a link back to this post via your website, Twitter or Facebook account. And if you're really feeling ambitious, leave me a comment letting me know how you found us. Thanks and happy day!

San Antonio, Texas Icon Set Download



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Submitted by Luke Meier on Thu, 03/24/2011 - 2:38pm

Andrew, these icons are great, thanks for putting this out there. By the way the new web site looks great! Say hi to the group for me.

Submitted by Kathryn Cornelius on Thu, 03/24/2011 - 2:54pm

Great icons, Andrew. I think they do an excellent job of depicting San Antonio - very symbolic & recognizable.

I hope someone "rebounds" your "Citicons" on Dribbble! http://drbl.in/Yxf (link sends email)

Submitted by AMac on Thu, 03/24/2011 - 3:05pm

Luke, Kathryn — thanks for the kind words! Speaking of the new website, have you seen the career opportunities page? It was designed with developers in mind ;)

Submitted by addypam on Wed, 08/17/2011 - 5:46am

thanks for sharing